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Common issues for art law include how works of art should be valued, how to protect intellectual property rights in art, free speech issues, authenticating and dealing with stolen artworks, and a variety of business issues related to the art industry.


Entertainment law covers an area of law which involves media of all different types (TV, film, music, publishing, advertising, Internet & news media, etc.), and stretches over various legal fields, which include corporate, finance, intellectual property, publicity and privacy, and, in the United States, the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. These services in entertainment law overlap with intellectual property law, which has many moving parts that include trademarkscopyright, and the "Right of Publicity" Much of the work of an entertainment law practice is transaction based, i.e., drafting contracts, negotiation and mediation. Some situations may lead to litigation or arbitration.

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© 2023-2024 by Cecilia Guerra Esq. Proudly created by Mtz Media Solutions LLC - (972) 904-1187

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